Welcome to Hillson Cars

Thank you for visiting our website. Our company aims to provide top quality used cars at the lowest possible price to our esteemed customers within and outside Okinawa Japan. We perform a wide range of car-related services, from sales of new and used cars to sales of various parts, car junking and car rentals. 


Takahara office

Location 7-3-12 Takahara,
Okinawa City,
Okinawa Prefecture 904-2171
TEL 098-923-1784

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Yaka office

Location 2753 Yaka, Kin-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture 904-1203
TEL 098-923-1933

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Company Profile

Company name Hillson Corporation
Business details New and used car sales, Car rentals, Junking and various parts sales
Corporate office Nakamoto Building 202,
3-1-3 Ikehara, Okinawa City,
Okinawa Prefecture 904-2141
Sales office 1 7-3-12 Takahara, Okinawa City
Okinawa Prefecture 904-2171
Sales office 2 2753 Yaka, Kin Town, 904-1203
TEL 098-953-9981
FAX 098-923-1784
Business hours Monday to Saturday
Holiday Sunday

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